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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Healthy Food Choices That Support Weight Loss, Sustained Energy And Healthy Digestion

Healthy food choices that support weight loss, sustained energy and healthy digestion don't have to feel like a diet.

Dieters often ask what healthy foods promote weight loss when the monotony of most diet plans sets in. It's not that their pre-diet habits consisted of unlimited variety as much as the constant presence of "diet" thoughts have taste and variety at the forefront and there is a psychological feeling of restriction.

In many cases, your pre-diet food choices will work just fine with some minor adjustments. These can included using nonfat skim milk or soy milk instead of whole milk, losing the yolks when using eggs, turning to non-fat mayonnaise or yogurt as a sandwich dressing and any number of other calorie reducing tricks.

Next is shifting to foods you may not be familiar with or in the habit of eating that support your goals.

For example, increasing your intake of fresh fruits and vegetables is a great way to increase your fiber intake. High-fiber foods like fruits and veggies promote a feeling of fullness, aid in healthy digestion and help with your hydration. A colorful variety of fruits and veggies also drag along key vitamins and other nutrients so mix it up.

Protein is a key factor in successful weight loss. Our bodies need protein as a building block and for healthy maintenance of organs and joints. Most adult women need at least 100 grams of protein a day and most adult men need at least 150.

Protein also promotes a feeling of fullness and satisfaction while at the same time helping to grow lean muscle mass. Lean muscle requires more energy to maintain and increases resting metabolism. By increasing your lean muscle mass you burn more calories at rest making weight loss and weight maintenance much easier.

Protein can can be found in both animal and plant sources and a 50/50 mix of both is desirable. When choosing animal sources turn to lower fat options such as fish, poultry and leaner cuts of red meat.

While most think of a complete overhaul when they consider a diet, small changes to favorite dishes and cooking methods along with additions of healthy alternatives can have a major impact. Making small adjustments make it easier to stick with your plan for long term results.

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